Friday, April 12, 2013

Senior Tennis Players get Free Lessons

[The reality of this is TBDL.]   TowerPoint players already get a great discount  rate for lessons ($20/hr),but now, (Based on Blog revenues from Adsense) TowerPoint tennis players can get free lessons!  Just by occasional visits to the blogsite, we generate sufficient ad revenues to award at least once-a-week, a free hour of lessons with our resident Tennis Pro, Pat Hurley.  Every Blog visit will earn that player 1 chit, every post will earn 5 chits, and every comment will earn 3 chits.  Any report, article, or active link in a post or comment will earn 3 chits.  Every week 1 player (more if the participation is greater) will be drawn at random from the accumulated chit bowl for the "Free 1 hour lesson (for up to 4 players)".

NOTE: this is still a draft concept.  I have applied for Adsense for the blog, but I do not yet know what the interest will be from advertisers, nor the usage level from TowerPoint players.  Further I do not know how intrusive the ads will be, so this may not work out.  But we could generate $0.25-0.35 per click to the website and or eyeball view so with a couple hundred or so players, $20-40/week seems plausible.
More details to come.


Anonymous said...

Good beginning Rus. My question is who is going to monitor the bogs and the chits ?
I really like the attract more wanna bees but cautios folks.
Sandy Lou Simon who works tirelessly with newcomers is also very clever and gifted with words. She and I may be able to write up a welcome for the next season.


Rus Howe said...

That would be great! I already chatted with Sandy-Lou, about a beginner's corner, where super-slo-mo videos would be posted to illustrate whatever the lesson of the week is; the video of Federer I posted a few days back is an example. She immediately warmed to the idea!
I'm pretty sure the statistics build into blogger will report the stuff I mentioned...but it's just an idea, may be more complicated than necessary, and more difficult than its worth. Still at the brainstorming stage of this!! Similarly, I've googled "zoomer, seniors tennis and RV" after including those terms in the blog "keywords" but the blog is not yet anywhere near page 1 of google search.

Unknown said...

I think the Adsense could work if it wasn't too cumbersome to handle. Not sure how it works so will wait to hear more.

Rus Howe said...

Adsense...I don't know either. I applied last week, have yet to hear back. It looks like one format is ads between posts, which,until I see it, I'm inclined to reject as too intrusive.