Thursday, April 18, 2013

For all the people that left before April You might want to stay longer next year as you missed a lot of good tennis The courts were full every day. Good fun



Bob Waskom said...

Yep, many players and a high quality of tennis.

Bob Waskom said...

We need to choose a time that is temperature dependant to play. Like evenings or early am.

Bob Waskom said...

Rus, I am just exercising this site or help establish that it is bug free.

Rus Howe said...

Bob, thanks for checking it out. I'm here in the comments section and I'm underwhelmed at how it works...comments seem to leave the blog format (template) and appear in a much less attractive page. Maybe because I'm signed in. I thought comments would be threaded under the post; doesn't look that way, at least with the default settings.